Thursday, November 4, 2010

Called in sick to work

Last night Alonna went to bed with a fever and woke up with a fever. Yesterday you could tell she wasn't feeling well and I felt bad for the poor thing. Today on the other hand she was happy and alert. Since she still had a fever, Ben and I thought it would be best to stay home and rest up. It turned out to be a great day all cuddled up in the house. Ben had the day off so we spent most of the day playing with Alonna and Ben even watched a whole movie (this hasn't happened in 13 months!). The only outing was a quick trip to the store and back home. All 3 of us made a great dinner and had a great conversation over dinner- even Alonna chimed in. It was nice to be housebound for a day and really enjoy the family. Good job, Alonna!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

One of the best days of the year

We are talking about Halloween here people!! As many of you know, I am in love with Halloween and because of that, Ben and Alonna also love Halloween! The house has been decorated for a long time and I have been forcing others to celebrate with me. The first victims of this was Jeane and Ayesha. They thought they were coming for a simple trip, but we were able to make it into a spooky time!
First the girls (and Ben) were dragged to to a local pumpkin patch! We went to visit Callie and her perfect pumpkins (and got some great pics too!)

Yes she is a cute pumpkin fairy!! (thanks jeane and Ayesha for the amazing b-day gift)

After the visit to the pumpkin patch, what would be more perfect then Spooky Dinner. Jeane, Ben and I labored over a hot stove making spooky dinner and to try to surprise Ayesha and Alonna with our culinary creativity! I think we did a great job!

Jeane stiring the "quicksand"
 The spread- quicksand with rotten apples, green guts. Ayesha's skinned knees, spooky head, and Lorena Bobbits
After a quick trip to the costume store, we found some cool hair for Alonna and Ayesha, cool slap bracelets and some hot sunglasses
After all the antics, we got down to the good stuff- pumpkin carving!! Jeane went with the old school pumpkin head, Ayesha with a political plea persuading people to vote (oh Ayesha) and my silly pumpkin face!
Once the girls left, Ben had a bit of Halloween down time. But today was Halloween so he was showered in Halloween Joy!! The morning was normal other than everyone being woken up to "Happy Halloween!" Later in the day, Alonna painted her little pumpkin. She loved playing with the paint and creating her own pumpkin.
We were going to meet our baby friend at the mall for some fun trick or treating fun, but instead Alonna tried to make friends with a bee... you can imagine how well that went but valuable life lesson learned- don't pick up bees!! We stayed home so her thumb could heal and we could watch the swelling. Soon she was back to her self, and back to Halloween fun! As usual Ben and I carved our pumpkins. And as usual, mine was super cute and Ben's was super elaborate and cool
 My cute pumpkin
Ben's super cool pumpkin
After pumpkin time came costume time! Alonna was a tulip fairy, I was a witch (again) and Ben was a Dad (: We went to one house and got a treat bag from the neighbor. After the trick or treating, we sat on the lawn watching the other kids and were joined by the neighbors for a spooky chat. 
 Here we go!!
 We love Daddy
 Hey! Look what that guy gave me!

Alonna with her neighborhood friends!

We love Halloween and can't wait until next year! I'm already planning

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Baby Thinks She's a Dog

So Ben and I have known for a long time that Alonna has had a connection with animals, but not until recently did we realize how much she loves the dogs (especially Little Girl).
Little Girl (AKA Alonna's best friend)

Alonna loves to play with the dogs and now she is starting to take on some canine characteristics.
She wants to start eating dog food and gets very upset when Mom grabs her just before she gets her little hands in the bowl.
We also love dog toys. She finds a toy and holds it in the air waving it around. Then Little Girl comes running and grabs the toy. They both start pulling until 1 wins (usually Little Girl) then Alonna crawls over, takes the toy, and the process starts all over again.
Here Alonna has a collection of dog toys on the dog bed. Many times you can find Alonna crawling on the dog bed- either to have a lay down or to grab the dog that is sleeping on the bed.

Some other dog behaviors are:
1) Panting (with tongue out)
2) Woof-ing at the dogs
3) Chasing and harassing the cats

We love our little daughter.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hammocks, BFF's and new shoes!

Oh what a week...

First of all Ben got a hammock for the backyard. At first I wasn't really sure why we needed a hammock, but oh was I wrong. It's so nice to look out into the woods while swinging on a bed of ropes. What really could be better?

This week also marked the beginning of the season! What season you may ask- Halloween season of course. If you know me then you would know that there is always at least 5 Halloween decorations that are stables in my home decor. Well on Friday, I got a special package from Amber (a belated birthday present). The card was a Halloween card (perfect) and a witch's head attached to a spring so she can be hung from something and move at the same time!!! Well she is living happily on the fan -driving the cat crazy and this means I can start decorating. Amber, Ben says thanks :)

Today I got another package this time from Ayesha. She sent Alonna an AMAZING outfit and a card for Ben and I welcoming us to the house.  The package came at the perfect time- the day Alonna was having a harder day and we needed a surprise to lighten the day.

Alonna is getting a little too close to walking and we had to think about getter her some shoes
We went to the mall and after trying on many pairs of shoes, we finally found the perfect shoes- white with pink spots. She loves them! She carried them all through the mall and all the way home- just looking and talking to them. She doesn't mind wearing them, but picks her feet up as high as she can while walking... well learning how to walk.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The smallest place I've ever eaten

Ben took Alonna and I out to breakfast today (my favorite meal!). We wanted to go somewhere other than I-Hop or Whataburger so I went on my friend Yelp and found a restaurant called Mi Casita. I know this means little house, but I didn't really know how little until we pulled up. We knew that it was in the parking lot of the local bowling alley, and that it would be small but when we arrived we didn't know how small. The dining room consisted of 4 closely packed tables, a small porch, a small kitchen a drive thru and that's it. We talked about going to the much bigger place across the street but decided that it we should at least try it and make Ayesha proud.
front- about 2 car widthes

Side view- that's it

When we got in, the 2 women were very sweet like most of the people we have met her and told us all about the menu. We both ordered the  breakfast burritos and took out seats. Ben tried the pineapple-habanero salsa and was in love (bit too hot for me). He was explaining how he thought the salsa should be entered in the salsa contest and how it would win no problem. When we got out food, it was bigger than my head!! and boy was it good. We sat and ate and ate and ate some more. I wish I wore sweatpants or at least a skirt with elastic. Ben and I are in love with the little house and will return many many times- and I have breakfast for tomorrow!!
ps Alonna loved it so much she screamed when we left and if you know Alonna she doesn't usually get upset :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ben's Famous!!

Ok! Maybe famous is a bit much, but he was in the newspaper today (well Aug 1st, but we just got our copy). That's closer to fame than me. The Longview New journal did an article about the new businesses that are in the area and included Eyeglass World. Ben was quoted telling about the store and the products. Let's hope this brings some more business to the store (but they are already doing great- good job Ben). Alonna and I are very proud

Here is the link if you want to read more
Ben's 1st glimpse of fame!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sorry! We don't take glass

Ben and I forgot to put the recycle out last week so we had a lot that needed to go out. After they came, I noticed a mess in the front yard. Alonna and I went out to investigate and this is what we found...
I am guess that the city of Longview doesn't recycle glass. Instead of leaving a note or knocking on the door, the recycling crew thought it would be best to throw all the glass onto the lawn and hope that we would get the picture. The great part about this is that it was the first recycle day after my birthday celebration so now we are the neighborhood drunks( great way to get in with the neighbors). It reminds me of 16 Candles where Long Duck Dong was laying drunk in the front yard. Oh well, at least it shows we know how to have a good time. Thank you Mr. Recycle Man.

The Move

Finally we are settled in Texas. The last few weeks have been filled with trips, packing, yard sales, goodbyes and new beginnings. I can't believe there isn't something to do. The last month has been a whirlwind that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for some great friends. Here is a preview of the new house!

 Dining room (Alonna's playroom :)

Living room
 Future guest room
Compost heap (Ben built it for me )
 Master  bedroom
 Master bath

Alonna was sleeping so pic of her room is still to come.